Saturday, February 2, 2013

Military Same-Sex Couples Struggle for Equality

Sgt. Karen Alexander has fought for our country, but when she came home, she feels like the U.S. if fighting against her for her rights. She is married to another female soldier with a son. Its hard to believe that Alexander is having such a hard time at home with this problem over her head. She is considered single under 'Uncle Sam'. Just because she isn't married to a man, this all has to act like its the end of the world. Because Alexander wants a little change in her life, she is denied the same housing allowance and other family-friendly benefits she would be entitled to if she was married to a man. "We fight for everyone else's right, but we're treated as second-class citizens," says Alexander. And she has a good point. Even though Alexander and her partner are legally married, Alexander is considered single under 'Uncle Sam'. Why is she and her partner, and even their son getting this treatment when they have both fought for our country. It doesn't make sense. And Alexander and her partner are not the only ones fighting this problem with the U.S. There are so many other couples who are facing the same problems.
Apparently, it states in the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act that the federal government is forbidden from recognizing any marriage other than that between a man and a woman. The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule on the constitutionality of DOMA in June, but advovacy groups say there are numerous steps the Pentagon could take now to treat struggling same-sex military couple more fairly. What surprises me is how much work  and time it takes for something like this so simple. Its just two people who want to be treated like everyone else. Why does it matter so much that its two men instead of a man and a woman? Well, it shouldn't. I'm proud that most people see that this is an issue, and marriage equality belongs between everyone. Its just so sad to see that out own government cannot accept the fact that change is happening. And this is good change. Our country wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for change. So, I'll be thinking about Sgt. Karen Alexander, her partner, and their son, and will be hoping that everything will work out for them soon.

1 comment:

  1. This, unfortunately, is a problem. It is time that people overcome their heteronormativity and realize that there are almost just as many gay people as there are heterosexuals out there. Then there are all the sexual identities in between. I know, here I go again, but the big problem is that our government is made of heterosexual, white, middle aged, rich men. It is hard for them to associate with anything other than themselves. Then you have those that make sexual orientation part of their agenda and think that is morally wrong. They need to make these laws that will help ALL of us. This country is supposedly built on equality for all and they are not proving it in the case of same sex couples. Especially this military couple here. It doesn't even matter if they did something awesome for our country. Our government won't see it. It is time some changes come our way as a society. What is so difficult with equality. If you can't accept it at least be tolerant because as a law maker it is your job. Tirade is over.
    -Rachael Belcher
