Friday, March 8, 2013

Women in the Military: Ready For Action

               Not enough women are enrolled into military services because of the idea that they "aren't fit" for the military lifestyle. Though branches of the military are historically favored to men, women are slowly being introduced and welcomed into their work forces. This video is a fabulous promotional tool to encourage girls to join in male-dominated work fields (specific to the military). Though there used to be much discrimination against women joining such "masculine" jobs, our generation, especially, has seen a much needed shift.
           The women interviewed in this video describe being in the military as "empowering" and "incredible". This past week in class we have been discussing how there is much oppression and violence against women in the military, simply because they are women. However, I want to reiterate the importance of women pushing these gender barriers within the workforce. If we let men control us within the work place, how can we expect to advance in our institutions and lives? More women need to consider military positions and younger girls need to be exposed to the military as an occupation. I am so sick of women being over-looked for military positions. The United State's next best leader, commander, or military genius might just be trapped inside a women who is scared to speak out.
          Graduating high school, everyone was curious as to what colleges we were going to end up attending. Talk made its way around and soon enough everyone seemed to know exactly where we all were headed. However, in our class size of about 400, most of the attention was directed at the two girls who were joining the military; one in the air force and the other in the navy. There was much skepticism regarding not just their decisions to join, but how they were unfit for these roles they seemed. I, on the opposing end, was very proud of these two young girls for making such a difficult choice. I then realized that boys and girls responded to the girls' decisions to join branches of the military very differently. Girls often said things like, "wow, she is so brave!", while boys would laugh and would add "she won't survive out there". While other girls were supportive and showed compassion, boys (almost naturally) envisioned military roles carried out by the stereotypical grizzly man.
             Clearly, there is still a need for women to integrate themselves into the military. Partially, I believe that women are worried about how others will perceive them. I strongly encourage any female that is the least bit interested in learning about the military to look into it more. I am tired of women being "oppressed in this and that form". I am ready for women to take charge and gain power! I want more women to work the front-line of war! I want women to fight alongside the tallest and strongest of men! Like these women in the video stated, working within the military can be "one of the most rewarding jobs out there". Nothing should ever hold women back from success and happiness. 

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