Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Blackboard STEM discussion board

POISONED BY EVERY DAY LIFE: Landmark study warns gender bending chemicals in your home; food and car ARE linked to a huge range of diseases.

Summary: The World Health Organization believes the chemicals women are exposed to in their own homes can have substantial health issues. Just a few of the believed health issues include female fertility, links to breast cancer, and memory disabilities. People are being exposed to hundreds of chemical compounds that have not been studied are properly identified yet. As well as women being adversely affected, their children and unborn babies are also at risk thanks to the roles of chemicals in hormones.
The chemicals that are affecting lives can be found in everything including, but by no means limited too, toys, make up, flooring, credit cards, and worst of all the foods we eat.

Personal opinion: This article is very scary as reader because it makes me wonder what kinds of chemicals are being put into my body daily. As well as someday wanting to become a mother the high chemicals I'm eating can affect my fertility and future child's development. I do believe it is a positive thing that the World Health Organization is pushing so hard to protect people by regulating the chemicals that may be applied to products and foods especially.

Question for Class: After hearing about this article how do you feel about the foods you consume on a daily basis, as well as the products that are in your own home?
Also why are chemicals that are affecting such important parts of a many women life's being pushed off to the side?


  1. Chemical laden processed foods are nothing new to Americans, just watch ‘Supersize Me’ or ‘Food inc’. Resultantly this is not just a women’s issue, it’s an issue for any person who values their health and wellbeing. This idea is well in line with the ‘Big tent approach’ as it pulls another group, the ‘health freaks’, into a model that is pro-women’s rights.
    Furthermore, these chemical filled foods are a direct result of our capitalist economic system as well as supply and demand. For example, cheap foods are often the most dangerous because they use synthetic fillers in place of the more natural and thus more expensive ingredients, and, if you recall from an earlier reading, the distribution of wealth in America is far from equal. This means that people with less economic means have to buy these dangerous foods. And again, if you recall another reading, certain groups are far more likely to be poor than other groups.
    Un-healthy food is a result and a causation of thesystematic oppression of all oppressed groups.

  2. Back when I was in middle school, there was this "claim" that specific nail polishes contained an ingredient which was linked to birth defects and infertility within women. My mother made me go through every single nail polish I owed, reading every ingredient. I understand the precautions that my mother wanted to take to ensure me (and my future children's) safety, but it really shook me up! Just the chemicals in nail polish alone, not including the foods we eat, the pollution in our environment, and the toys we play with, was enough to make me switch my thinking. I recall around that same time the ban on water bottles made with the "number 7 and 5" hard plastics. Why is it just now that we are becoming aware of these things? Is there a chance that nearly all birth defects and diseases are a result of our external actions outside of the womb? I feel like everything I do must be double-checked and over-analysed in order to ensure my future health. As much as I appreciate public announcements and recalls regarding unsafe products, it worries me!

  3. This is an issue that is pushed to the side on a daily basis. It's scary to think about chemicals changing our bodies in the foods we eat. If foods were manipulating the fertility in men, would this be a bigger issue? I personally think it would. I think if men were to become infertile because of certain food products there would be a stronger drive to ban these chemicals in food. The problems that women are experiencing are pushed to the side, and leaving women unprotected from life-threatening conditions. When will someone stop and connect the dots in policy and get more women making decisions in our country.
