Sunday, February 3, 2013

Women In the Top Ranks of Medicine

Source: While women have been getting more and more jobs higher in their fields of work, one field that is slow to grow is medicine. The majority of people in the upper ranks are men. In fact, only 12% of department chiefs are woman, while medical schools contain 50% women. This huge gap is not for a lack of aspirations though. The article also stated that both men and woman aspire to pretty much the same degree of work and success, so why are woman in the minority? The article suggests that its because its easier to dream when you are a student to be successful then it is when you are a junior worker that has to climb the up the ladder to success, and that makes a lot of sense to me. Its like looking at a mountain from a distance versus up close: it looks a lot easier and more beautiful when you are farther away, but when you are right there you can see how far you have to go and how treacherous it really is. Another thing that makes it easier is knowing that other people have successfully climbed that mountain, and how they did it. So in other words, what these woman need is role models. If more woman in the medical field strive and succeed to climb up the ladder, the more other women will to. Its a large gap, but if we start rising up and making names for ourselves it will inspire others to follow. I feel like this is a good thing to do, not only in medicine, but in many other fields too. It takes work to bridge the gaps, but with hard work and determination, we can make a better future for the coming generations. "If you build it, They will come."

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