Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents

In this article by Stephanie Pappas, the controversy over homosexual parenting is addressed. The article begins by asserting that homosexual couples may actually be better committed to parenting because when they become parents it is by choice. This is juxtaposed with the number of nearly one half of pregnancies being the result of an accident. In turn, this comparison is used as reason to believe that gay parents may actually in fact be better than heterosexual parents.

Although that may be a far stretch, it is important to assess the gendered stereotypes that currently exist causing people to believe that two women, or two men, are incapable of properly raising a child. The overall assumption can be made that societally, roles are assigned to parents as a result of their gender. We find that mothers are supposed to be nurturing, and caring, while fathers are supposed to be more of the disciplinarian, and the lecturer. This article states that, "While you do find broad differences between how men and women parent on average ... there is much more diversity within the genders than between them" (Pappas).

The author blames the overall controversy of homosexual parenting on the reiteration of social oppressions in society. Standards that are believed to exist, paired with legislation that puts non-heterosexual couples at a disadvantage, are the current causes for why homosexual parenting is seen to be improper for raising a child.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I apologize, but I have yet to be added as an author... So, here it is. (-Alex Stoll)

    God Given or Choice?

    Is homosexuality an effect of nature or nurture? This question sparks fire from those who feel that sexuality is a choice, and those that preach the lyrics of Lady Gaga's hit song "We Were Born This Way". It is important to recognize that, as humans, we have the great ability to be different. More specifically, it is important to express our differences with enough confidence to fit within society's standards. Twins have been used in various studies when it comes to examining sexuality. Growing within equal environments, sharing similar or matching DNA, carrying out the same mannerisms, yet having "abnormal" sexual preferences, raises more than just eyebrows for scientists. National Geographic took a closer look at the biology of twins, making an incredible discovery on homosexuality.


    As National Geographic explains, testosterone is administered to each twin within the first six weeks of development; this is responsible for the "masculinity" within a fetus (body hair, "manly" thoughts, etc.). Typically, one twin has a tendency of taking in more testosterone than the other. Around week eight, the testosterone is released within the body and directed towards to hypothalamus- which tells us who and what we are attracted to. According to some scientists, the more testosterone in the brain, the more likely that person will be attracted to women. Essentially, they are saying that when a fetus does not produce enough testosterone, the brain does not register the signals that make females sexually desirable- resulting in the desire to like men. However, keep in mind this is just a theory.

    The research explains that fraternal twins have a 25% of one being gay, whereas in identical twins, there is a 50% chance. Being a twin, I found this video extremely fascinating. Both my twin and I classify ourselves as straight, and I do not remember a time when we felt otherwise. I have met many twins over the years, and for some reason I do not recall meeting any that expressed themselves as being gay.

    I fully believe that there is oppression among homosexuals, due to the orientation of their sexuality being unknown. Most of the time, people like life in the form of yes/no, black/white, right/wrong, etc. Sexuality breaks the mainstream of "social normalcy", allowing for skewed and independent thought to a subject so personable. Those who do not fit along these lines of "correctness" are for some reason targeted... and persecuted. This system of oppression could very well be attacking something far out of our control- biology.

    When people argue over whether or not being homosexual is a biological or environmental effect, there is no defining line, in my opinion. This video is just one theory as to how homosexuality comes about. Personally, I would like to argue that everyone should have free-range of his or her feelings, regardless of whether or not it was "genetically coded".

  3. All of this is very interesting. Here's a question. Why does everyone want to look for the problems in every household except for their own? If a couple loves their child and teaches them the right lessons there is no reason why it should matter if one is gay or not. Maybe the children will have to learn about heteronormative nature earlier than other children but there is no reason this should affect their parenting skills. I know some heterosexual couples who are probably way worse parents than most homosexual couples. I was a theater person and grew up in an environment that had an equal ratio of gay and heterosexual people. They are wonderful parents. The only thing that is keeping them from being good parents is the pressure put on children by society. Another words, it is all about the person and not all about sexual orientation.
    -Rachael Belcher
