Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why am i not enough

When discussing what is sexy and attractive in class all i can do is groan and wait for all the dudes in the room to say how they want a tall thin girl with big boobs and a cute butt. Personally From a girl's perspective i think that all woman are beautiful. I read an article that described how woman are fighting to fit into the supermodel mold that has been pushed in our faces through magazines and media.. Movie stars are feeling the same pressure, "One actress looses weight to please the media; next all her co-stars are loosing weight to keep up. Actress Courtney Thorne-Smith (size 4) has said that if she had not been on the [now-defunct] TV show Ally McBeal, she’d have been 5 pounds heavier–but couldn't risk it for fear she’d have looked ‘big’ next to her size 2 co-stars." The article commented as what happens among movie stars is a like a domino effect, one losses 5 pounds, so another girls losses 7 to look just as good, and soon enough teenage girls watching them on tv are deciding to go on a diet when they are probably perfectly healthy the way they are. I am frustrated with how media and the overused message that " thin is Sexy" and what men want force us into wanting a new body. I hate that woman are pinned against each other in fight no one can really win

Admittedly I am 5,6 and weight under 120 pounds but it is not from over dieting and exhausting workouts. My body is purely from an over excited metabolism that keeps me looking so trim. In all honesty i would love to wake p and be 10 to 15 pounds heavier just so i wouldn't get dirty looks for being the size i am. People assume that i chose my size but sometimes these things are out of our control, But i still happily look in the mirror every morning before class and tell myself that i am a Beautiful, Strong woman. Inevitably my body doesn't put me ahead of the game of being sexier than other girls because i am too skinny to be attractive so i have been told. I mean seriously, too heavy, too skinny, too tan, too pale. There is always a new perfect, which just leaves everyone on a chase to catch up to it all.  

What really gets me is when people say they want to look like me and almost immediately i respond by saying i rather look like them. In all truths we are many different things based on  the way our bodies look, our skin tone, race, ethnicity, sex, who we fito be attractive but one thing we all are is BEAUTIFUL.


1 comment:

  1. Not only are we faced with having to look a specific way and be a specific way; we are also faced with the fact that we are used to ourselves. What this means is that we have known our bodies for many years and we will know it for many more. Either women want to look like someone else or they want something to change on them. We are so used to ourselves and we see all these images in the media of these "beautiful" women that we believe we could be different. That is the reason I like make-up. Instead of critiquing my body all the time I liven up my relationship with my self by doing my make-up a little different everyday or changing my hair color. It is not because I want to be something different but because I want to feel a little different. It is all such a mess. If only there was a WIDE variety of women in magazines and that they were all seen as beautiful. If we took out Photoshop it would be even better. People (mostly women) will be never satisfied with themselves because there is too much media enforcing it to the contrary. How unfortunate.
    -Rachael Belcher
