Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Are These Really Attractive Traits of a "Real Man?"

I think I just ran across the most annoying article I will ever read in my entire life…and I’m not even a man. The author is Mr. Mafioso and it entails, “Top 10 Traits of a Real Man”. Firstly, I must add that I agree with a portion of Mr. Mafioso’s traits for men. What really got under my skin were his directions that correspond to the traits that aid in helping school his male readers in becoming a better man. For example, I was perfectly fine with the trait, “A Real Man Is Strong.” Sure I like my man to be tough and often people view males as such, but when he goes into detail, I couldn’t help but want to punch this guy. He goes so far as to say, “If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man” and “A real man is firm. If life is a b*tch, a real man will slap it and move on.” I’m sorry but when did phobias of insects prove you were a man or not? Or, that when facing ones problems in life, it leads to a less manly man? 

Mr. Mafioso had plenty to say that perturbed me. Such as, men aren’t supposed to show emotion. Forgive me, but I sure don’t sign up to date or befriend a male statue. I guess Mr. Mafioso is a father, he explained he prefers to hide all evidence of any sort of weakness to his children. Once again, I disagree; I don’t think any child wishes for their father to secretly be the terminator. The final straw for me was when he expressed, “A real man knows that, outside of his barber, all his personal hygiene needs must be taken care of by a woman.” Okay, enough said there I don’t even think I need to explain why that annoys me so. What saddens me is that men still believe this is what manly-hood is all about. I thought we were much more accepting now days. What scared me the most was that 53% of Mr. Mafioso’s readers, felt like a better man after reading his article. This man seems slightly sexist and a little on the high and mighty side for my taste. 

I ask that you please read the entire article, I think you will understand a little more of where I am coming from. Also, look at this video I found. Very silly. 

-Malissa Katich

Original post: January 27, 2013


  1. That is absolutely disgusting and terrifying. Something I thought was interesting was the phrasing of one of the statements you listed, “If life is a bitch, a real man will slap it and move on.” I know that this is just simple phrasing, but why does the derogatory noun for life have to female and why does it have to be slapped? Why not, “If life is a bastard, a real man will kick it in the nads and move on”? Why does life have to be brutalized at all? This man is a sexist pig whose pen and keyboard should be broken over his head. Thank you so much sir, for reinforcing detrimental gender roles to both sexes. Go walk off a cliff.

  2. This is so disgusting and infuriating. Oh, gender norms, how I loathe thee. This is so terrible. I remember when we were talking in class about the box and what a "man" is considered and what a "women" is considered in school. Then we picked all these phrases that we put outside the box. Excuse me for living but I prefer a man who knows how to feel and who knows how to show he is afraid when he is afraid. Since when are these bad traits in a good human being? According to me, never. But I guess this columnist wasn't talking about human beings, he was talking about men (notice the sarcasm). This man needs to realize that there are a variety of men in this world and hormones and body parts are not going to make them a certain way and women another. Gender roles are way over played in this article. Actually, Mr. Mafioso needs to realize that what makes a man is the ability to be an individual and not some supped up version of the super male. What a boob!
    -Rachael Belcher
