Sunday, March 10, 2013

Violence Prevention Should be for EVERYONE!

I came across this article talking about violence against adults and children with disabilities. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because I work is a caregiver at a facility where people that have disabilities live. It really gets under my skin to even think that people could be violent to those who have disabilities.

The statistics are unbelievable with how much more likely people with disabilities are to be exposed to violence, than those without. This is true in many different types of violence, and it is sickening.

People with disabilities are not anything different from those without disabilities. There are too many people that do not care and think of people with disabilities. What people need to do is realize that they have feelings, and they know what is going on even if they are not able to communicate. People will take advantage of people with disabilities because they take advantage of the fact that they may not be able to communicate as well.

The violence prevention should not just be for women, but rather for women, men, children, and all of the above even if they have disabilities. There is no reason to not include everyone when it comes to violence prevention. Everyone across the board should NEVER have to put up with violence.

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