Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why does Beautiful have to =skinny

So i just watched this video and was amazed by the way i felt at the end. We talked this week about how we have been bombarded with images that give us expectations to how we should look ourselves. We also discover how these expectations are often fake and unrealistic. Models are being air brushed, pictures are being touched up to create a whole new face. Still we feel that we have should still strive to appear model perfect. These images can sometimes cause young teens, girls specifically to turn to alternative such as anorexia to achieve a body that other people will appreciate. This proves that more often girls who love the way their body looks are attacked by images to only be happy if they lose some weight. Teenagers should not have to worry if their body shape is considered beautiful by other people's standards. We should all be able to look in the same mirror and think the same thing, " the way i look is beautiful no matter what you see". Teens struggling with anorexia are using these false expectations to destroy their beauty just to mimic something that was created by a guy sitting at his desk and using  computer program. The view of how skinny is beauty is so shallow and this is coming from someone who happens to be a size two. I know a little cliche, A skinny girl is complaining about being skinny. Well i have a right to complain because i get the same stares and weird looks as anyone else but i get them because of the false assumption that i am anorexic and wish to be stick thin. MY answer to that stupid question is no, I would still find myself to be perfect if i gained five to ten pounds but sometimes you body doesn't work the way you want it to. MY skinniness made my dad  have the dream that i was going to be a supermodel, I mean really you have a daughter that the greatest thing you could think of for me is that " well honey you can make a great model one day with the way you look". I would hope that as my dad he would say i could be president, a scientist, or an astronaut but needless to say he had the same mindset as any other man. The fact that beauty is what will make you great, but i say being great makes me beautiful. One day i hope that men will look further than skin deep, that one day girls won't have a fear of having to lose weight to feel accepted, and i hope one day that all people male and female can look into the same mirror and see the same thing " true Beauty"

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