Sunday, February 24, 2013

Overpopulation Itself

Population to this day is increasing and will continue to increase over time. The awareness of over population is the economic concerns for “over- crowding”, that supply cannot meet the demand. Now, I say over population is a scary theory to make presumptions about. This theory comes into the part of cities marketing urban living. As more cities build bigger buildings, more people will meet its demands by living there. Why build big cities if they are meant to hold large amounts of people? The idea of over population is the fear for cities to become insufficient to people needs. However the solution is easily made, why not move somewhere else? The analogy I make of this is the limitations for reproduction justice. In the one of the readings, “Abortions Right and Reproductive Choices” by Fried and Yanow says reproductive choice is the ability of women to control her life as to the control of her reproduction. Meaning increasing the extensive choices to access birth control, have safe abortions, and education in comprehensive sex. However economic barriers have made it impossible to establish. Overpopulation is basically that there are “too many babies being born”. That is not the case, big cities are meant to supply the people needs. We can meet both ends if overpopulation is a current concern then why not support pro- choice decisions? More so make reproductive services to be just as important to meet the demands of marketing. Women cannot simply pick up their problems and take elsewhere. The fear in overpopulation does not measure the amount of the fear of women bearing a child that needs cannot be met. The economic standard is supply and demand of it citizens, by the full accessibility to reproductive services to all women of socioeconomic standings, ethnicity, and age is without any fear of limitations in needs for its demand.    


  1. I would have to disagree with this video. I believe over population is an issue our society faces. The problems brought about by over population are cause by the earth’s limited environmental resources. Although our civilization has made progress towards more efficient use of our planets resources they are still a finite entity. This is a very sensitive subject when it comes to implementation of laws to control the rate of human reproduction. I do see a way to control the population growth rate by law, without taking away reproduction rights. The best way to start to deal with the population crisis is to help women that do not want to have children remain that way by providing access to effective birth control options and loosen restrictive abortion laws.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. According to the "10 Reasons to Rethink Overpopulation" by the Population and Development Program at Hampshire College, the current view of overpopulation of "make less babies" is problematic. Pro-choice agendas are actually harmful in this situation because it pressures people to not have children, which infringes on one's reproductive right to have a child or not. For instance, women of color and impoverished people are subject to being encouraged to not having children; they are then easier targets for population control.
    While people should have the right to an abortion, overpopulation should not pressure people into having abortions, especially since marginalized groups are more likely to have abortions due to social and economic pressures. A combination of pro-choice agendas and overpopulation fears will negatively affect marginalized groups, not benefit the world.
    Not to mention the problems associated with overpopulation is due to resources being disproportionately distributed, leaving many lacking resources. Also, "overpopulation" really is seen in cities where there are problems in meeting people's demands like the video says. Oregon's 2nd congressional district geographically makes up most of Oregon, but its population density is much lower than that of Portland's. Therefore, overcrowding really is seen in cities, not everywhere like the video says.

    1. *Therefore, like the video says, overcrowding really is seen in cities, not just everywhere.

  4. As a previous comment-er said, there is such thing as finite resources, and just because we have big cities does not mean we need to fill these big cities. Shouldn't demand cause supply, not the other way around? We do need to realize that if the population is going to continue growing at the same rate then there needs to be some serious innovations in the way of food production, waste management, and energy production. This issue is much bigger than have kids or don't have kids.

  5. Unfortunately no matter what global efforts are made, we WILL run out of our current resources (funny that we rely so heavily on finite resources). We have officially hit our peak oil production, meaning that half of global stores have been used up. I agree that the solution to over-population being to "stop making babies" is problematic. Not only on a social/economic level but also in play with the fact that ceasing to pro-create cannot undo or even slow down the rate of resource depletion that has and continues to occur. Naming overpopulation as the driving cause and implying that producing fewer children will slow down the process is only putting a band-aid on the whole conversation. As mentioned, it's a very complex issue that involves many different aspects.
