Sunday, February 10, 2013

Jenna Marbles Doses a Reality Check

            Women, specifically, are constantly being tested against society's standards of "beauty". What does it take to become beautiful? We all grow up in a world where image comes first and everything else is second. Young girls are taught to perform their gender roles through make up, sexuality, and exploitation of their bodies. This is a direct effect of the media's definition of beauty. As a result, we pride ourselves in change in order to reflect what we wish to become- beautiful.

            This objectification of women hurts individual judgment, self-esteem, and further distorts our perceptions of beauty. Jenna Marbles humors all of what women do to conform to society's expectations of appearances- the fake tanning, the bleaching of hair, caked on makeup, and even proudly announcing that she aims to "look like a whore" when getting ready. Though clearly a pun, this is very much some of the many things that women do to set themselves 'closer' to what we have been taught is beautiful.

'How To Trick People Into Thinking You Are Good Looking"
-Jenna Marbles

            Though Jenna makes fun of the way that practically ALL women feel, in a sense, it is a good reminder that we need relax when it comes to appearances. We, as women, have become sucked into this theory that we are not pretty until we have completed the necessary steps, the daily routines and the transformations from natural to done-up. Society has placed the stereotype that only "nerds wear glasses", therefore contacts offer a solution for this "problem". Additionally, Jenna has her Master's degree, yet promptly announces her decision to "dance in her underwear" as a career. Essentially, she is saying that those with less attractive features get jobs out of the public eye, while those who put effort into their appearance are only useful for only their looks. This idea of short-term perfection is objectifying those who come off as beautiful, and those who we would consider unattractive. "Pretty people have it easy" is a term coined from this very same idea.

            There is a universal loss of pride in originality, uniqueness, and individuality. Every day women go through a checklist of things to conquer regarding their appearance before we can be "public appropriate"- the right outfit, the shoes that match, the contrasting eye shadow, the perfect purse, hair that flows with the look, and the absolute right shade of lip gloss. Less and less are we focusing on what we enjoy and like about ourselves, and more and more are we digging for flaws. What is the point of this? We search for our insecurities in order to fix them, recreate ourselves, and pretty-up our undesirable traits in order to reach this irrational point of perfection.

            In the end, nobody is perfect. Sometimes, we have to laugh at society. And by laughing, I really mean totally disregarding its every stupid, made-up, critical social expectation. Enough is enough! Everyone is beautiful in his or her own unique way- with, or without, media's input. It is ridiculous how much we influence

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