Saturday, February 23, 2013

Increasing birth rates caused by cuts in funding for family planning services

“Likely Increase In Births Has Some Lawmakers Revisiting Cuts”

Lawmakers passed a two-year budget in 2011 that moved $73 million from family planning services to other programs, which they are now paying the price for. It is causing birth rates to increase and in the long-run, costing them more in health care. This law would only benefit people that don’t believe in birth control or wealthy people that can afford alternative forms of contraception. This is especially harmful to people in low-income areas and people of color that have a harder time accessing birth control and often can’t afford to health insurance. The article says, “Poor women will deliver an estimated 23,760 more babies than they would have, as a result of their reduced access to state-subsidized birth control.” That statistic speaks volumes about how much influence this new law is already having on already increasing birth rates. This will increase health care costs, population rates and children born into unfit families. The author of the article, Emily Ramshaw, says, “The additional cost to taxpayers is expected to be as much as $273 million — $103 million to $108 million to the state’s general revenue budget alone — and the bulk of it is the cost of caring for those infants under Medicaid.” Personally, I know a lot of girls that have utilized plan parenthood and depended on the free contraception they offer to protect them. Without plan parenthood and the option of free contraception, we will have an increase in unprotected sex and unplanned pregnancies. The government thought they would benefit from the new law but in reality, no one really benefitted from the decrease in funding towards family planning services. In fact, most people lose from these new laws and it will lead to more negative than positive outcomes. 

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