Friday, February 15, 2013

Hypocritical Girls Who Demean the Goal of Equality with Gender Roles

Girls That Piss Me Off by Jenna Marbles

“But they turn around and they have these old-ass gender roles where they’re looking for their 'knight in shining armor' and the guy is supposed to pay for the first meal, the guy is supposed to pay for everything. The guy is supposed to take care of them.”

“How can you expect to be treated as an equal and complain about double standards when you hold the biggest double standard of all?”

“And for you to just expect a guy to buy you shit just because you were born with a vagina is absolutely out of control.”

“I mean girls if that’s your thing—if you’re looking for a guy to take care of you for the rest of your life then fine go for it…But don’t sit around and complain to the rest of us how no one wants to buy you shoes and clothes because you have tits and a vagina unless you want to be treated like a pair of tits and a vagina.”

These are a few of the lines which Jenna Morsey of YouTube has for women who want equal rights and yet hold onto old gender role requirements such as the man paying for the first meal and buying them presents. In my own personal opinion, I feel that not all women who want equal rights hold onto such roles, but I absolutely agree with this vlogger on the concept of equality being distorted by gender roles. The tolerance of these double standards and expected gender roles on BOTH sides of the spectrum should be re-evaluated. Responsibility should be taken on both sides. Men should re-evaluate the concept of respecting women as individuals and not as objects of sexual pleasure, and women should stop reinforcing gender roles with old traditions of being taken care of by the man. In class we have discussed the subject of women in the workforce and the gender wage gap. I find that this video exemplifies that with its discussion of the economy and the hypothetical situation of a higher-earning woman dating a lower-earning man and reversing the role of breadwinner. Now granted this does not answer all questions nor negate the importance of gaining wage equity for all. But it does address the responsibility of women to uphold the respect they should have for themselves as individuals by treating men as their equals when it comes to finances.

“But Cassie,” you say, “that makes no sense when women make less than men.” I will give you that, however, in treating yourself as though you are more than what society sees your worth as and portraying the concept of financial equality through gender equality, standards can even out. Rosa Parks sat in the front of a bus and would not move, even though the societal standard at that time was for her to give up her seat for a white person. By acting against her role and acting as an equal, she was one of a few who started an incredible series of boycotts and protests which eventually changed the world.

So the next time you and a guy go out to dinner, start the revolution of equality and split the bill. 


1 comment:

  1. I really love this video with Jenna Marbles. It is so true and I actually had never thought about it like that until I watched the video. They say that chivalry is dead but for me that does not mean just men. We are talking about ALL people. Now we all need to be the knights in shining honor and show people respect and love. It reminds me very much of the article we read called "Female Chauvinist Pig." There is this certain element where women believe they can take advantage of men (with their money) just because of old cultural norms. It is time we realized that people are people and not something to be used.
    -Rachael Belcher
