Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gender Wage Gap

After reading articles and stories about the gender wage gap, I’m just stunned. Why does there need to be a wage gap in the first place? Can’t everyone just be paid the same? It honestly doesn’t make any sense that women have to be paid less than men. Women work just as hard as men do, sometimes a little more depending on the situation. Single mothers especially, I think, work the hardest. They have to support their children most of the time working multiple jobs. It’s crazy to think that there are women out there working their butts off and don’t make anything like men do. Women deserve every cent they work just like men do. 

The article “The Time is Now for Pay Equity” is exactly what we’ve been talking about in class. President Obama’s quote from his second inaugural address was mentioned, which was a nice touch for the article. And then Governor Malloy asked his departments of Labor and Economic and Community Development to look into gender-based wage disparities in the private sector in Connecticut. Both the president and the governor are asking the same question: “Why do equally qualified women make, on average, just 77 cents for every dollar a man makes?” This problem has been going on for a while now, but why hasn’t there been any sort of a solution, at a least a successful one? 

“And the wage gap is not just a problem for women but for families, who are trying to pay their bills, get ahead, and achieve the American dream, and are getting less take-home pay than they have earned for their hard work”. It’s sad to think that this problem is harming not just women, but for families as well. 

Women, single or not, who work don’t just work one job. I learned this in class, and I think this is very true. Women who work a paying job also have another job: caring for the house, children, husband, if there is one, and all the side jobs that come along with all of that. Women kick butt, but don’t get the praise or the recognition they deserve for all the hard work they put into every day.

1 comment:

  1. It is very true that there is a lot going on in a woman's life. There needs to be some recognition of all the effort we have to go through to get things done. Unfortunately no one wants to look at what is not going on in front of them and the mass majority of men (who make the laws) are at work and not in the home watching the daily trials. When a mother has to work on top of it then there is that much more to do. There should be equality in wage and it is ridiculous that people feel they need to create that gender wage gap. We work just as hard and then we go home a do more. There needs to be some education in the schools to explain to society what is really going on. I feel that if high school kids have had a gender studies course in their school (kind of like how they have sex ed), then they could understand what society puts on us and how we can change. After all, no teenager likes to know that his whole life they have been feeding him bull. He'll rebel against the norm and if we teach him what is happening then we might have more conscious aware kids. That's what we need.
    -Rachael Belcher
