Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gender Roles in Society

In class, we have been talking a lot about gender roles and when we as children became aware at our sexuality. This article talks about how a Swedish retailer called Top Toy who has put out a new catalog with images of girls playing with nerf guns and boys playing with dolls. Growing up, we are brought up thinking that certain things are just made for girls and certain things are just made for boys. The article brought up a great point. It isn't our sex that determines whether we like the color blue or pink or if we would rather play with nerf guns or dolls, it is adults that are telling us that one group of toys is for a certain gender.  It may be a healthy option for a boy to play with a doll every once in awhile. We look at our parents, teachers, peers, music books and even religion to reinforce our gender roles. In our day and age, men should be the breadwinner. Woman are supposed to stay at home with the children. They are also in charge of cooking and cleaning. How do we view those who are not of the norm? Masculinity and femininity are broke down into two completely different categories. Due to the sex we are given, we are expected to fit into one of these categories. Growing up, I was given dolls and beanie babies and barbies to play with. I always wonder if I would have been more of a tomboy if I was given action figures or toy cars to play with. After studying gender roles in class, I think that we shouldn't have to conform to a certain gender just because we were born with what we have. Society has made gender roles based on their biological orientation.

1 comment:

  1. These ideas that the media forces on us about gender roles are very troubling. With one of the WLPs that we did I looked into what the stereotypes were for both boys and girls. I always thought that when I had children that I would let them be whatever they want to be, but how can I do that when people are telling them what to be? These cycles just go on and on. It is disappointing to think that even though I could tell and show my children to be who they really are, that there is always going to be someone else telling them otherwise. I was just thinking the other day that it is not only the media. I mean the media influences us, but when people buy things for your child for their birthday there is a stereotype in that as well. If you are a girl then people buy you dolls. If you are a boy they give you a Nerf gun. They are telling you how to play by the presents they give you. Oh gender roles, what don't you know? Ummm, apparently everything. I do appreciate this company working on changing these roles though. This has given me much happiness.
    -Rachael Belcher
