Sunday, February 24, 2013

Court rules Texas can ban Planned Parenthood from health program

Court rules Texas can ban Planned Parenthood from health program

This article talks about how Texas is banning Planned Parent Hood affiliates participating in a health program for low income women because the family planning networks perform abortions. Planned Parenthood sued Texas, winning an injunction against the law by arguing that abortion is constitutional and Texas efforts would block women’s access to preventive health care. By banning Planned Parenthood clinics this could hurt low-income women by losing a source of affordable healthcare, such as breast cancer screenings, birth control pills, std screenings, ect. I think that banning health care to low-income women is completely unfair. Over 50,000 of Texas’ poorest women would be affected. If women were to not have access to abortion clinics, they would be bringing in a baby into the world that they would not be able to afford. Because these women would not be able to afford check ups, this could easily jeopardize their health.  If a poor woman were raped, she would not be able to have access to an abortion because she would not have the funds to pay for it. This would leave her in extreme poverty because now it would be her and a child who she now needs to care for. It is sad that people of the state vote for a law that may take healthcare away from lower income women. I believe that healthcare should be available to everyone, even those who are not available to afford it. If we are not able to provide healthcare for everyone, (whether not they are poor, middle class or high class) we may see medical outbreaks such as diseases or STD’s. I think that every woman should have access to partake in an abortion if she needs to as well as access to a doctors clinic if she is ill or sick. Banning these rights, shows that we still are not respecting the choice women have or should be given in this day and age. 

1 comment:

  1. It's sad that states are making laws like this that have such detrimental effects on a large chunk on our society. I understand why abortion is a controversial topic, but in a lot of cases it isn't a matter of morality, it's a matter of a women's quality of life or even the baby's quality of life, not to mention the health of both. If a women's health is in question and they are also poor, they could die because of a law like this. Like you said, women who are raped or can't afford a baby would also be at a disadvantage here. A bigger point I'd like to make about this is that if a decrease in funding or banning of planned parenthood occurs, the contraceptives needed for poor women to avoid pregnancy in the first place would be gone and then they'd be force to continue a pregnancy they also can't afford. It's so backwards!
