Sunday, January 27, 2013

Woman making their mark as Police Officers

Today's society prides its self on how much we have grown. Technology has improved year after year, but do you realize that we are still lacking in areas just as important as technology and growing corporations. We are still showing some of the same gender roles as what our parents and grandparents lived through. Rarely are woman expected to be in aggressive or physically oriented occupations. Reading an article of how low the numbers of woman that apply to the police academy each year is discouraging, which is only adding to the problem.One officer comments that he would like to see more females apply but as women if we don't see many female officers out there then it is less likely that we think of that as being a career option. Further in the article another officer says, Wilt said she believes it might be more difficult for her male co-workers to adjust to women in the department than vice versa. “They’re more protective and guarded — their sensitivities go up because everyone has a mother, and they try to be respectful,” she said.  I mean really, we are in the twenty first century and you are saying that men still feel uncomfortable and insecure having female co-workers. A woman shouldn't be the reason for a male co-worker to perform well or not. It should all be about protecting the rest of us as citizens and  not worrying about whether or not the female officers will be able to do their job. My hopes are that more and more young woman coming out of high school looking for their perfect role are able to include the idea of being in law enforcement. High school is where teenagers start to form real ideas about what they are passionate about and so high school is where young woman should experience opportunities so to be able to choose to be in law enforcement or any other male dominant occupation 

1 comment:

  1. We definitely need more police officers that are women. Part of changing society and their ideas of sexism is to integrate change. This means working on the little things and changing mindsets. If there were more women in male dominated jobs then perhaps the men would eventually see how well the women work (not that it is our job to prove it to anyone). If they see this maybe they will start reforming their ideas on women and their ability to work these jobs. It is clearly the male officers' fault if they associate the female officers with their mothers. Some women are just as willing to fight to help the community and they should not be underestimated. Yet organizations like the FBI still treat women as if they are lower down on the scale. We are not to be patronized. We are to be respected. Maybe with time this mindset can change. It's time we were all seen as the hero in the story.
    -Rachael Belcher
