Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ontario Gets First Openly Gay Premier

Current Issue: Once upon a time, all political figures who were in a position of power presented the same three qualifications: Male, heterosexual, and old. Lately though, this has been changing. More and more individuals with different and more diverse identities are entering positions of power and bringing there amazing perspectives along with them. A recent example of this is the election of the first woman, Kathleen Wynne, as the Premier of Ontario. But here is the cherry on top: she is also the first openly gay Premier in Canada as well! This makes me so incredibly happy. We live in a day and age where prejudice and inequality are constant, rampant, and blatantly obvious but this is a little sliver of sunshine on that dark and gloomy precedent. This is a great example of people coming together and overcoming the system of oppression that is so established in the world. While I realize that its the one Jenga(tm) block that will make the whole tower of oppression and inequality tumble to the ground with a satisfying clatter, but it is a step closer to a more accepting and open world where the same type of people don't have all the power all the time. New ideas, beliefs and norms are being established and its just so exciting. It give me hope that each day will bring us one step closer to equality. It might not be a milestone for the country I belong to, but it is a milestone for all of us. Its a milestone for the world because we are moving forward and making changes with accepting and open minds. This is yet another dream that became a reality, when long ago it was an impossible and fleeting idea.

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome. How did I not know about this? What a great role model for women and society. This is exactly what we need. One person can make a difference because they inspire others and that (in turn) makes us strong. We don't feel alone. This is so awesome. She is a lesbian and a woman. We would never do that here (yet). I believe that if it is the right person, one person can HELP change a mindset. This lady seems like one of those. I hope she inspires others to be just as awesome.
    -Rachael Belcher
