Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lifting the Ban on Women in Combat

I am choosing to write about the topic of women and the military. More specifically; the recent decision to lift the ban on women in combat. The lifting of the ban will now allow women to participate in front-line combat. This will be the first time in American history women will be allowed to occupy these positions. They will be allowed to stand next to men as equals, risking their lives to protect our freedoms.

I think this is a great step forward in equality. I think the military has long lagged behind the rest of society when it comes to equality. It was until just recently that don’t ask don’t tell was repealed as well. As great as it is that these rules have been repealed, I still find it sad that it took as long as it did. I ask why did to take so long for the military to recognize this huge inequality? Their where thousands of female military personnel volunteering for these positions and they were denied. Could it be that only men should have the ability to die an honorable death on the battle field protecting his country? If it is, let me tell you something about dying on the battle field. It is not glorious and it is not pretty like the books, movies, T.V. shows and video games make it out to be. A man skin is no more bullet proof than a women’s. That is a Fact! It’s about time the US military recognizes it.

-D. Pierson

Originally published: January 25, 2013 

1 comment:

  1. I very much agree with this. Women should be equal in combat with men. There needs to be laws to protect them though as there will be power plays between men and women that could result in gender violence. This blog is correct. Our skin is made of the same materials. Equal respect and opportunity should be shown. It starts with agreements such as this. Now women who want to be in combat can. That is an awesome first step towards being equal. Now I'd like to see the soldiers' gender wage gap and see how that works. Interesting.
    -Rachael Belcher
